;;; Copyright 2009 Christoph Senjak (in-package :uxul-world) #| (defmethod (setf x) (new-value (obj T))) (defmethod (setf y) (new-value (obj T))) (defmethod (setf visible) (new-value (obj T))) |# (defun make-testing-room () "Create a simple room for testing. Shouldnt be used anymore. Use the level-editor instead!" (let* ((player (make-instance 'player :active t :visible t :redraw t :x 100 :y 0)) (ret (make-instance 'room :width 0;(* 155 128) :height 0;(* 9 128) :key-listener player :graphic-centralizer player :key-up-function #'(lambda (key) (on-key-up player key)) :key-down-function #'(lambda (key) (on-key-down player key)) ))) (add-object player ret) (add-object (make-instance 'burning-marshmallow :x (* 128 55) :y (* 128 8) :inner-rectangle (list (* 40 128) (* 5 128) (* 65 128) (* 9 128)) :active t :visible t :redraw t) ret) ;;*************************** (add-object (make-instance 'key :x (* 128 56) :y (* 128 8) :dungeon :testing-room :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'burning-marshmallow :x (* 128 60) :y (* 128 8) :inner-rectangle (list (* 40 128) (* 5 128) (* 65 128) (* 9 128)) :active t :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'burning-marshmallow :x (* 128 45) :y (* 128 8) :inner-rectangle (list (* 40 128) (* 5 128) (* 65 128) (* 9 128)) :active t :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'burning-marshmallow :x (* 128 34) :y (* 128 4) :inner-rectangle (list (* 30 128) (* 5 128) (* 41 128) (* 9 128)) :active t :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 8) :x (* 128 4) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 8) :x (* 128 9) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 8) :x (* 128 15) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 3) :x (* 128 16) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 7) :x (* 128 20) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 6) :x (* 128 21) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'simple-enemy :y (* 128 8) :x (* 128 34) :redraw t :active t :visible t) ret) (dotimes (i 155) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :y (* 128 9) :x (* 128 i) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret)) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :y (* 128 4) :x (* 128 14) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :y (* 128 4) :x (* 128 15) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret) (dotimes (i 7) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 17 128) :y (* i 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret)) (dotimes (i 4) (add-object (make-instance 'leaf :x (* (+ 18 i) 128) :y (* 7 128)) ret)) (dotimes (i 4) (add-object (make-instance 'leaf :x (* (+ 19 i) 128) :y (* 6 128)) ret)) (add-object (make-instance 'leaf :x (* 21 128) :y (* 4 128)) ret) (dotimes (i 4) (dotimes (j 6) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* (+ 23 i) 128) :y (* (+ 3 j) 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret))) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 37 128) :y (* 8 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 39 128) :y (* 8 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 39 128) :y (* 7 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 40 128) :y (* 8 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 41 128) :y (* 8 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 41 128) :y (* 7 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* 41 128) :y (* 6 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t) ret) (dotimes (i 16) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* (+ i 44) 128) :y (* 4 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret)) (dotimes (i 5) (dotimes (j (1+ i)) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* (+ i 65) 128) :y (* (+ (- 4 i) j 4) 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret))) (dotimes (i 3) (dotimes (j 3) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* (+ i 70) 128) :y (* (+ j 3) 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret))) (dotimes (j 2) (dotimes (i 8) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* (+ i j 72) 128) :y (* (- 8 i) 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret))) (dotimes (j 7) (dolist (i (cond ((member j '(0 1 2)) '(83)) ((member j '(3 4 5)) '(83 84 85 86)) (T '(79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86)))) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x (* i 128) :y (* j 128) :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret))) (let ((y (* 128 4))) (dolist (j '((0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2) (0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2) (0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2) (0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2))) (let ((x (* 128 87))) (dolist (i j) (cond ((eql i 2) (add-object (make-instance 'stone :x x :y y :active nil :visible t :redraw t ) ret)) ((eql i 1) (add-object (make-instance 'leaf :x x :y y) ret)) (T)) (incf x 128))) (incf y 128))) (add-object (make-instance 'flying-nasobem :x (* 128 87) :y (* 128 2)) ret) ;;******************************* (add-object (make-instance 'door :x (* 128 87) :y (* 128 1) :dungeon :testing-room :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'door :x (* 128 89) :y (* 128 1) :dungeon :testing-room :visible t :redraw t) ret) (add-object (make-instance 'flying-nasobem :x (* 128 110) :y (* 128 4)) ret) ret))