;;; Copyright 2009 Christoph Senjak (in-package :uxul-world-leveleditor) (defparameter *leveleditor-images* nil) (defun stretched-image (img) "Call ImageMagick to resize that file to 32x32." (lisp-magick:with-magick-wand (mywand) (lisp-magick::magick-read-image-blob mywand img) (lisp-magick::magick-resize-image mywand 32 32 #x00000000 1d0) (lisp-magick::magick-set-format mywand "gif") (lisp-magick::magick-get-image-blob mywand))) (defun annotated-image (img ann) "Add a (lower-left) annotation." (lisp-magick:with-magick-wand (mywand) (lisp-magick::magick-read-image-blob mywand img) (lisp-magick:with-drawing-wand (dw) (lisp-magick:with-pixel-wand (pw :comp (255 255 255)) (lisp-magick::draw-set-text-under-color dw pw)) (lisp-magick:with-pixel-wand (pw :comp (255 0 0)) (lisp-magick::draw-set-fill-color dw pw)) (lisp-magick:draw-annotation dw (coerce 0 'double-float) (coerce 32 'double-float) ann) (lisp-magick:magick-draw-image mywand dw)) (lisp-magick::magick-set-format mywand "gif") (lisp-magick::magick-get-image-blob mywand))) (defun numbered-image (img num) "Annotate the image with a number." (annotated-image img (format nil "~d" num))) (defun prepare-images (&optional (care-about-initialization *leveleditor-images*)) (when (not care-about-initialization) (setf *leveleditor-images* (make-hash-table)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::uxul *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|uxul_small1|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::leaf *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|leaf|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::nasobem *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|nasobem|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::blue-nasobem *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|blue_nasobem|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|burning_marshmallow_ld1|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::gray-stone *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|gray_stone|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::brown-stone *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|brown_stone|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::empty *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|empty|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::tulip *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|tulip|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::door *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|door|)) (setf (gethash 'uxul-world::key *leveleditor-images*) (stretched-image uxul-world::|key|)) )) (defun load-image-into-tk (png) "return a tkobject with this image" (let ((name (ltk::create-name))) (ltk:format-wish "set ~A [ image create photo -data \"~A\" ]" name (base64-encode-byteseq png)) (make-instance 'ltk:tkobject :name name))) (defun config-button-image (button tkobject) (ltk:format-wish "~A configure -image $~A" (ltk::widget-path button) (ltk::name tkobject))) (defun item-table-to-list (item-table) "Special Function vor level-editor. Returns a list of lists of the form (x y object)." (let ((ret nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (when val (push (list (car key) (cdr key) val) ret))) item-table) ret)) (defun level-editor (&optional (level nil) (width 16) (height 16)) (prepare-images) (let ((item-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ;;initialize given level (dolist (item level) (setf (gethash (cons (car item) (cadr item)) item-table) (caddr item))) (ltk:with-ltk () (let* ((uxul (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::uxul *leveleditor-images*))) (leaf (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::leaf *leveleditor-images*))) (nasobem (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::nasobem *leveleditor-images*))) (blue-nasobem (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::blue-nasobem *leveleditor-images*))) (burning-marshmallow (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow *leveleditor-images*))) (gray-stone (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::gray-stone *leveleditor-images*))) (brown-stone (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::brown-stone *leveleditor-images*))) (empty (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::empty *leveleditor-images*))) (tulip (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::tulip *leveleditor-images*))) (key (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::key *leveleditor-images*))) (door (load-image-into-tk (gethash 'uxul-world::door *leveleditor-images*))) (current-upper-left (cons 0 0)) (current-chosen-object 'uxul) (objects-and-arrows (make-instance 'ltk:frame)) (grid-frame (make-instance 'ltk:frame)) (object-frame (make-instance 'ltk:frame :master objects-and-arrows)) (arrow-frame (make-instance 'ltk:frame :master objects-and-arrows)) (right-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text ">" :master arrow-frame)) (left-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "<" :master arrow-frame)) (up-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "/\\" :master arrow-frame)) (down-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "\\/" :master arrow-frame)) (rright-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text ">>" :master arrow-frame)) (lleft-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "<<" :master arrow-frame)) (uup-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "//\\\\" :master arrow-frame)) (ddown-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "\\\\//" :master arrow-frame)) (uxul-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (nasobem-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (blue-nasobem-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (burning-marshmallow-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (gray-stone-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (brown-stone-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (empty-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (tulip-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (leaf-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (key-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (door-button (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "" :master object-frame)) (btns (make-array (list width height) :adjustable nil :element-type 'ltk:button))) (labels ((redraw-button (i j) "Redraw Button (i, j)" (let* ((current-upper-x (car current-upper-left)) (current-upper-y (cdr current-upper-left)) (cval (gethash (cons (+ i current-upper-x) (+ j current-upper-y)) item-table nil)) (cbtn (aref btns i j))) (if (listp cval) (setf cval (car cval))) (cond ((eq cval 'uxul-world::leaf) (config-button-image cbtn leaf)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::nasobem) (config-button-image cbtn nasobem)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::blue-nasobem) (config-button-image cbtn blue-nasobem)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow) (config-button-image cbtn burning-marshmallow)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::gray-stone) (config-button-image cbtn gray-stone)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::brown-stone) (config-button-image cbtn brown-stone)) ((eq cval nil) (config-button-image cbtn empty)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::tulip) (config-button-image cbtn tulip)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::door) (config-button-image cbtn door)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::key) (config-button-image cbtn key)) ((eq cval 'uxul-world::uxul) (config-button-image cbtn uxul))))) (redraw-buttons () "Redraw all Buttons" (dotimes (i width) (dotimes (j height) (redraw-button i j)))) (react (i j) (let ((current-upper-x (car current-upper-left)) (current-upper-y (cdr current-upper-left))) (cond ((eq current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow) (setf (gethash (cons (+ i current-upper-x) (+ j current-upper-y)) item-table) 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow)) (t (setf (gethash (cons (+ i current-upper-x) (+ j current-upper-y)) item-table) current-chosen-object))) (redraw-button i j))) (move-field-about (i j) (let ((current-upper-y (car current-upper-left)) (current-upper-x (cdr current-upper-left))) (setf current-upper-left (cons (+ i current-upper-y) (+ j current-upper-x)))) (redraw-buttons))) (ltk:pack grid-frame) (ltk:grid arrow-frame 0 1) (ltk:grid left-button 1 0) (setf (ltk:command left-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 0 1))) (ltk:grid lleft-button 2 0) (setf (ltk:command lleft-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 0 15))) (ltk:grid right-button 1 2) (setf (ltk:command right-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 0 -1))) (ltk:grid rright-button 0 2) (setf (ltk:command rright-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 0 -15))) (ltk:grid up-button 0 1) (setf (ltk:command up-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 1 0))) (ltk:grid uup-button 0 0) (setf (ltk:command uup-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about 15 0))) (ltk:grid down-button 2 1) (setf (ltk:command down-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about -1 0))) (ltk:grid ddown-button 2 2) (setf (ltk:command ddown-button) #'(lambda () (move-field-about -15 0))) (ltk:grid empty-button 0 0) (config-button-image empty-button empty) (setf (ltk:command empty-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object nil))) (ltk:grid uxul-button 0 1) (config-button-image uxul-button uxul) (setf (ltk:command uxul-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::uxul))) (ltk:grid nasobem-button 0 2) (config-button-image nasobem-button nasobem) (setf (ltk:command nasobem-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::nasobem))) (ltk:grid blue-nasobem-button 0 3) (config-button-image blue-nasobem-button blue-nasobem) (setf (ltk:command blue-nasobem-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::blue-nasobem))) (ltk:grid burning-marshmallow-button 0 4) (config-button-image burning-marshmallow-button burning-marshmallow) (setf (ltk:command burning-marshmallow-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::burning-marshmallow))) (ltk:grid gray-stone-button 0 5) (config-button-image gray-stone-button gray-stone) (setf (ltk:command gray-stone-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::gray-stone))) (ltk:grid brown-stone-button 0 6) (config-button-image brown-stone-button brown-stone) (setf (ltk:command brown-stone-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::brown-stone))) (ltk:grid leaf-button 0 7) (config-button-image leaf-button leaf) (setf (ltk:command leaf-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::leaf))) (ltk:grid tulip-button 0 8) (config-button-image tulip-button tulip) (setf (ltk:command tulip-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::tulip))) (ltk:grid key-button 0 9) (config-button-image key-button key) (setf (ltk:command key-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::key))) (ltk:grid door-button 0 10) (config-button-image door-button door) (setf (ltk:command door-button) #'(lambda () (setf current-chosen-object 'uxul-world::door))) (ltk:grid object-frame 0 0) (ltk:pack objects-and-arrows) (dotimes (i width) (dotimes (j height) (let ((cbtn (make-instance 'ltk:button :master grid-frame :text ""))) (setf (ltk:command cbtn) (let ((i i) (j j)) #'(lambda () (react i j)))) (config-button-image cbtn empty) (setf (aref btns i j) cbtn) (ltk:grid cbtn i j)))) (redraw-buttons)))) (item-table-to-list item-table))) (defun get-base64-char-for-number (i) (declare (type (integer 0 63) i)) (elt "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" i)) (defun base64-encode-threebytes (byte1 byte2 byte3) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte1 byte2 byte3)) (coerce (list (get-base64-char-for-number (logand #b111111 (ash byte1 -2))) (get-base64-char-for-number (logand #b111111 (+ (ash (ash byte1 6) -2) (ash byte2 -4)))) (get-base64-char-for-number (logand #b111111 (+ (ash (ash byte2 4) -2) (ash byte3 -6)))) (get-base64-char-for-number (logand #b111111 (ash (ash byte3 2) -2)))) 'string)) (defun base64-encode-bytelist (bytelist &optional (ret "")) (if bytelist (if (cdr bytelist) (if (cddr bytelist) (base64-encode-bytelist (cdddr bytelist) (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (car bytelist) (cadr bytelist) (caddr bytelist)))) ;;else (genau zwei elemente) (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (car bytelist) (cadr bytelist) 0) "=")) ;;else (genau ein element) (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (car bytelist) 0 0) "==")) ;;else (kein element) ret)) (defun base64-encode-byteseq (byteseq &optional (ret "")) (case (length byteseq) (0 ret) (1 (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (elt byteseq 0) 0 0) "==")) (2 (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (elt byteseq 0) (elt byteseq 1) 0) "=")) (t (base64-encode-byteseq (subseq byteseq 3) (concatenate 'string ret (base64-encode-threebytes (elt byteseq 0) (elt byteseq 1) (elt byteseq 2)))))))