;; Copyright 2010 Christoph Senjak (in-package :uxul-world) ;; "Binding" for the "convert"-Program (defparameter *convert* #P"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ImageMagick-6.6.2-Q16\\convert.exe") (defun run-convert (arguments in) "Return output of convert" (let* ((p (sb-ext:run-program *convert* arguments :wait nil :input :stream :output :stream)) (pin (sb-ext:process-input p)) (pou (sb-ext:process-output p)) (ret '())) (loop for byte across in do (progn (format t "doing~%") (write-byte byte pin) (loop while (listen pou) do ;; this read should never fail and never be eof (format t "reading 1~%") (push (read-byte pou) ret)))) (format t "finishing out, closing~%") (finish-output pin) (close pin) (let ((c 0)) (loop while (setf c (read-byte pou nil nil)) do (format t "reading 2~%") (push c ret))) ret)) (defun resize-image (bytes x y) (run-convert (list "-scale" (format nil "~dx~d" x y) "-" "-") bytes))