;;; Copyright 2009 Christoph Senjak (in-package :uxul-world) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)) (inline rectangles-overlap is-horizontal is-vertical turn90 turn270)) (defun rectangles-overlap (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4) "Does the rectangle with diagonal points (x1,y1) and (x2, y2) overlap with (x3, y3),(x4,y4)? Assuming x1 x2 x3) (> x4 x1) (> y2 y3) (> y4 y1))) (defun symbol-prename (symbol &optional (charnum 1)) "Returns just the first Characters of the name of that symbol" (subseq (symbol-name symbol) 0 charnum)) (defun symbol-index (symbol &optional (charnum 1)) "Removes the first (or charnum) character(s) of a Symbol and parses the rest into an integer, i.e. makes 1 out of :R1" (parse-integer (subseq (symbol-name symbol) charnum))) (defun is-horizontal (direction) (or (eq direction :LEFT) (eq direction :RIGHT))) (defun is-vertical (direction) (or (eq direction :UP) (eq direction :DOWN))) (defun turn90 (direction) (cond ((eq direction :LEFT) :UP) ((eq direction :RIGHT) :DOWN) ((eq direction :UP) :RIGHT) ((eq direction :DOWN) :LEFT))) (defun turn270 (direction) (cond ((eq direction :LEFT) :DOWN) ((eq direction :RIGHT) :UP) ((eq direction :UP) :LEFT) ((eq direction :DOWN) :RIGHT))) (defun string-ends-with (str1 str2) (let ((length1 (length str1)) (length2 (length str2))) (and (>= length1 length2) (string= (subseq str1 (- length1 length2)) str2)))) (defun lower-interval-bound (x1 x2 y1 y2) "Find the lower interval-bound of [x1, x2] /\ [y1, y2] or - if disjoint - return NIL." (let ((xmin (min x1 x2)) (xmax (max x1 x2)) (ymin (min y1 y2)) (ymax (max y1 y2))) (if (<= xmin ymin xmax) ymin (if (<= ymin xmin ymax) xmin NIL)))) (defmacro swapsort (a b) `(if (> ,a ,b) (rotatef ,a ,b))) (defun move-collision-rectangle-about-x (moving-object delta-x) "this function is only a helper for a special case of the method move-about for collision-objects, which is invoked iff there is no movement in y-direction AND x is not zero" (let ((current-time 1) (current-collision NIL) (current-standing-object NIL)) (dolist (standing-object (listen-to moving-object)) (when (and (colliding standing-object) (not (eq standing-object moving-object))) (when (< (* 2 (abs (- (mid-y moving-object) (mid-y standing-object)))) (+ (height moving-object) (height standing-object))) ;are the y-coordinates near enough such that a collision *can* occur? (let* ((x-minimal-distance (+ (half-width moving-object) (half-width standing-object))) (x-distance (- (mid-x standing-object) (mid-x moving-object))) (x-collide-time-1 (/ (+ x-minimal-distance x-distance) delta-x)) (x-collide-time-2 (/ (- x-distance x-minimal-distance) delta-x)) (x-minimal-collide-time (min x-collide-time-1 x-collide-time-2))) (when (<= 0 x-minimal-collide-time current-time) ;an earlier collision can only ;occur between 0 and the ;current-time which is <1 and ;maybe was set before. (setf current-time x-minimal-collide-time) (setf current-collision (make-instance 'collision :desired-movement (make-xy delta-x 0) :pos (make-xy (+ (truncate (* current-time delta-x)) (x moving-object)) (y moving-object)) :collision-time current-time :direction (if (> delta-x 0) :right :left))) (setf current-standing-object standing-object)))))) (if current-collision ;if a collision occured, this must be the first now (on-collision moving-object current-standing-object current-collision) (incf (x moving-object) delta-x))) ;; (move-collision-rectangle-about-xy moving-object delta-x 0) ) (defun move-collision-rectangle-about-y (moving-object delta-y) "this function is only a helper for a special case of the method move-about for collision-objects, which is invoked iff there is no movement in y-direction AND x is not zero" (let ((current-time 1) (current-collision NIL) (current-standing-object NIL)) (dolist (standing-object (listen-to moving-object)) (when (and (colliding standing-object) (not (eq standing-object moving-object))) (when (< (abs (* 2 (- (mid-x moving-object) (mid-x standing-object)))) (+ (width moving-object) (width standing-object))) ;are the y-coordinates near enough such that a collision *can* occur? (let* ((y-minimal-distance (+ (half-height moving-object) (half-height standing-object))) (y-distance (- (mid-y standing-object) (mid-y moving-object))) (y-collide-time-1 (/ (+ y-minimal-distance y-distance) delta-y)) (y-collide-time-2 (/ (- y-distance y-minimal-distance) delta-y)) (y-minimal-collide-time (min y-collide-time-1 y-collide-time-2))) (when (<= 0 y-minimal-collide-time current-time) ;an earlier collision can only occur between 0 and the current-time ;which is <1 and maybe was set before. (setf current-time y-minimal-collide-time) (setf current-collision (make-instance 'collision :desired-movement (make-xy 0 delta-y) :pos (make-xy (x moving-object) (+ (truncate (* current-time delta-y)) (y moving-object))) :collision-time current-time :direction (if (> delta-y 0) :down :up))) (setf current-standing-object standing-object)))))) (if current-collision ;if a collision occured, this must be the first now (on-collision moving-object current-standing-object current-collision) (incf (mid-y moving-object) delta-y))) ;; (move-collision-rectangle-about-xy moving-object 0 delta-y) ) ;; Temporarily (defun rational-= (n1 d1 n2 d2) (= (* n1 d2) (* n2 d1))) #|(defun rational-< (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) "Compare rationals even if the denominators are zero. Behaviour for 0/0 is not specified and may change." (and (if (zerop d1) (if (zerop d2) (< (signum n1) (signum n2)) (< n1 0)) (< (* n1 (abs d2) (signum d1)) (* n2 (abs d1) (signum d2)))) (or (not args) (apply #'rational-< n2 d2 args))))|# #|(defun rational-<= (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) "Compare rationals even if the denominators are zero. Behaviour for 0/0 is not specified and may change." (and (if (zerop d1) (if (zerop d2) (<= (signum n1) (signum n2)) (< n1 0)) (<= (* n1 (abs d2) (signum d1)) (* n2 (abs d1) (signum d2)))) (or (not args) (apply #'rational-<= n2 d2 args))))|# (defun rational-<= (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) (and (<= (* n1 (abs d2) (signum d1)) (* n2 (abs d1) (signum d2))) (or (not args) (apply #'rational-<= n2 d2 args)))) (defun rational-< (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) (and (< (* n1 (abs d2) (signum d1)) (* n2 (abs d1) (signum d2))) (or (not args) (apply #'rational-< n2 d2 args)))) (defun rational-> (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) (and (rational-< n2 d2 n1 d1) (or (not args) (apply #'rational-> n2 d2 args)))) (defun rational->= (n1 d1 n2 d2 &rest args) (and (rational-<= n2 d2 n1 d1) (or (not args) (apply #'rational->= n2 d2 args)))) #|FIIIIIIIIXMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!111 (defun move-collision-rectangle-about-xy (moving-object x y) "GIANT ugly but faster implementation than before..." (declare (type fixnum x y) (type game-object moving-object)) (let* ((current-time-num 1) (current-time-denom 1) (collision-with-x nil) (collision-with-y nil) (current-standing-object nil) (wm (width moving-object)) (hm (height moving-object)) (x1 (x moving-object)) (y1 (y moving-object)) (x2 (+ x1 wm)) (y2 (+ y1 hm))) (declare (type fixnum current-time-num current-time-denom wm x1 y1 x2 y2) (type boolean collision-with-x collision-with-y)) (dolist (standing-object (listen-to moving-object)) (let* ((ws (width standing-object)) (hs (height standing-object)) (x3 (x standing-object)) (y3 (y standing-object)) (x4 (+ x3 ws)) (y4 (+ y3 hs)) (y-enter (- (sgn y))) ;; gain negative infty for y-enter/0 (y-leave y) (x-enter (- (sgn x))) ;; gain negative infty for x-enter/0 (x-leave x)) (declare (type fixnum ws hs x3 y3 x4 y4 y-enter y-leave x-enter x-leave)) (and ;; is the object colliding? does the standing object overlap a (huge enough) ;; rectangle around the moving object? (colliding standing-object) #| (rectangles-overlap (- x1 absx) (- y1 absy) (+ x2 absx 1) (+ y2 absy 1) x3 y3 (1+ x4) (1+ y4))|# (cond ((> x2 x3) (cond ((> x4 x1) ;;x-enter = -1 ;; (format t "x-inside") (macrolet ((calc-x () `(progn (if (> x 0) (setf x-leave (- x4 x1)) (setf x-leave (- x3 x2)))))) (cond ((> y2 y3) (cond ((> y4 y1) ;; rectangles do overlap before movement ... do ;; nothing. nil) (T ; y4 <= y1 ;; standing-object is over moving-object (cond ((>= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no ;; movement at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y1 y4)) (setf y-leave (- y3 y2)) (calc-x) T))))) (T ; y2 <= y3 ;; standing-object is below moving-object (cond ((<= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no movement ;; at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y3 y2)) (setf y-leave (- y4 y1)) (calc-x) T)))))) (T ; x4 <= x1 ;; standing-rectangle left of moving-rectangle (macrolet ((calc-x () ;; x will be <= 0 `(progn (setf x-enter (- x3 x2)) (setf x-leave (- x4 x1))))) (cond ((> x 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no movement at ;; all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur - check y (cond ((> y2 y3) (cond ((> y4 y1) ;; y-enter = 0 (setf y-leave (if (> y 0) (- y2 y3) (- y1 y4))) (calc-x) T) (T ; y4 <= y1 ;; standing-object is over moving-object (cond ((>= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no ;; movement at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y4 y1)) (setf y-leave (- y3 y2)) (calc-x) T))))) (T ; y2 < y3 ;; standing-object is below moving-object (cond ((<= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no movement ;; at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y3 y2)) (setf y-leave (- y4 y1)) (calc-x) T)))))))))) (T ; x2 <= x3 ;; standing-rectangle right of moving-rectangle (macrolet ((calc-x () ;; will be x > 0 '(progn (setf x-leave (- x2 x3)) (setf x-enter (- x1 x4))))) (cond ((<= x 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no movement at ;; all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur - check y (cond ((> y2 y3) (cond ((> y4 y1) ;; y-bounds of standing-object lie completely ;; inside y-bounds of moving-object. (setf y-leave (if (> y 0) (- y1 y4) (- y2 y3))) (calc-x) T) (T ; y4 < y1 ;; standing-object is over moving-object (cond ((>= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no ;; movement at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y1 y4)) (setf y-leave (- y3 y2)) (calc-x) T))))) (T ; y2 < y3 ;; standing-object is below moving-object (cond ((<= y 0) ;; no collision - wrong direction, or no movement ;; at all. nil) (T ;; collision may occur (setf y-enter (- y3 y2)) (setf y-leave (- y1 y4)) (calc-x) T))))))))) ;; collision could occure - find the smallest collision-time (progn (format t "---~%could occure.~%current ~d/~d~%x-enter ~d/~d~%x-leave ~d/~d~%y-enter ~d/~d~%y-leave ~d/~d~%---~%" current-time-num current-time-denom x-enter x x-leave x y-enter y y-leave y) t) (cond ((rational-<= x-enter x y-enter y x-leave x) ;; first collision-time is y-enter/y - check if this is ;; smaller (earlier) than current-time-num/current-time-denom ;; and later than 0 (when (rational-< y-enter y current-time-num current-time-denom) (setf current-standing-object standing-object) (setf current-time-denom y) (setf current-time-num y-enter) (setf collision-with-y t) (setf collision-with-x (rational-<= y-enter y y-enter x y-leave y)))) ((rational-<= y-enter y x-enter x y-leave y) ;; first collision-time is x-enter/y (when (rational-< x-enter x current-time-num current-time-denom) (setf current-standing-object standing-object) (setf current-time-denom x) (setf current-time-num x-enter) (setf collision-with-x t) (setf collision-with-y nil))) (T nil))))) (cond (current-standing-object (format t "occured~d~%" current-time-num) ; (write (cons current-time-num current-time-denom)) ;; a collision occured (on-collision moving-object current-standing-object (make-instance 'collision :desired-movement (make-xy x y) :collision-time (the rational (/ current-time-num current-time-denom)) :pos (make-xy (+ (truncate (* current-time-num x) current-time-denom) x1) (+ (truncate (* current-time-num y) current-time-denom) y1)) :direction (if collision-with-x (if collision-with-y :diagonal (if (> y 0) :down :up)) (if (> x 0) :right :left))))) (T (setf (x moving-object) (+ x1 x)) (setf (y moving-object) (+ y1 y))))))|# (defun move-collision-rectangle-about-xy (moving-object x y) "this function is only a helper for a special case of the method move-about for collision-objects, which is invoked iff both x and y are not zero" (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (speed 3)) (type fixnum x y) (type game-object moving-object)) (let ((absx (abs x)) (absy (abs y)) (xm (x moving-object)) (ym (y moving-object)) (wm (width moving-object)) (hm (height moving-object)) (2*current-time-num 2) (current-time-denom 1) (current-standing-object NIL) (current-direction nil)) (declare (type fixnum xm ym wm hm 2*current-time-num current-time-denom absx absy) (type symbol current-direction) ) (let ((2*mid-x-moving (the fixnum (+ xm xm wm))) (2*mid-y-moving (the fixnum (+ ym ym hm)))) (declare (type fixnum 2*mid-x-moving 2*mid-y-moving)) (dolist (standing-object (listen-to moving-object)) (when (and ;;;;;;;;;;;;; BEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (colliding standing-object) #| (rectangles-overlap (- xm absx) (- ym absy) (+ xm wm absy) (+ ym hm absx) (- xs absx) (- ys absy) (+ xs ws absx) (+ ys hs absy)) (not (rectangles-overlap xm ym (+ xm wm) (+ ym hm) xs ys (+ xs hs) (+ ys hs)))|# (not (eq moving-object standing-object)) ) (let* ((xs (x standing-object)) (ys (y standing-object)) (ws (width standing-object)) (hs (height standing-object)) (temporary-direction nil) (2*x-minimal-distance (the fixnum (+ wm ws))) (2*y-minimal-distance (the fixnum (+ hm hs))) (2*x-distance (the fixnum (- (+ xs xs ws) 2*mid-x-moving))) (2*y-distance (the fixnum (- (+ ys ys hs) 2*mid-y-moving))) (2*x-collide-time-1 (the fixnum (+ 2*x-minimal-distance 2*x-distance))) (2*x-collide-time-2 (the fixnum (- 2*x-distance 2*x-minimal-distance))) (2*y-collide-time-1 (the fixnum (+ 2*y-minimal-distance 2*y-distance))) (2*y-collide-time-2 (the fixnum (- 2*y-distance 2*y-minimal-distance))) (minimal-collide-time-denom 0) (2*minimal-collide-time-num (progn (if (> x 0) (if (> 2*x-collide-time-1 2*x-collide-time-2) (rotatef 2*x-collide-time-1 2*x-collide-time-2)) (if (< 2*x-collide-time-1 2*x-collide-time-2) (rotatef 2*x-collide-time-1 2*x-collide-time-2))) (if (> y 0) (if (> 2*y-collide-time-1 2*y-collide-time-2) (rotatef 2*y-collide-time-1 2*y-collide-time-2)) (if (< 2*y-collide-time-1 2*y-collide-time-2) (rotatef 2*y-collide-time-1 2*y-collide-time-2))) (cond ((rational-<= 2*x-collide-time-1 x 2*y-collide-time-1 y 2*x-collide-time-2 x) (setf minimal-collide-time-denom y) (setf temporary-direction (if (> y 0) :down :up)) 2*y-collide-time-1) ((rational-<= 2*y-collide-time-1 y 2*x-collide-time-1 x 2*y-collide-time-2 y) (setf minimal-collide-time-denom x) (setf temporary-direction (if (> x 0) :right :left)) 2*x-collide-time-1) (T 0))))) (declare (type fixnum xs ys ws hs 2*x-minimal-distance 2*y-minimal-distance 2*x-distance 2*y-distance 2*x-collide-time-1 2*x-collide-time-2 2*y-collide-time-1 2*y-collide-time-2 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom) (type symbol temporary-direction)) (when (and (not (zerop minimal-collide-time-denom)) (rational-<= 0 1 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom 2*current-time-num current-time-denom)) (setf 2*current-time-num 2*minimal-collide-time-num) (setf current-time-denom minimal-collide-time-denom) (setf current-direction (cond ((or (eq temporary-direction :right) (eq temporary-direction :left)) (if (or (rational-= 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom 2*y-collide-time-1 y) (rational-= 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom 2*y-collide-time-2 y)) :diagonal temporary-direction)) ((or (eq temporary-direction :up) (eq temporary-direction :down)) (if (or (rational-= 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom 2*x-collide-time-1 x) (rational-= 2*minimal-collide-time-num minimal-collide-time-denom 2*x-collide-time-2 x)) :diagonal temporary-direction)))) (setf current-standing-object standing-object))))) (if current-direction (on-collision moving-object current-standing-object (make-instance 'collision :desired-movement (make-xy x y) :collision-time (the rational (/ 2*current-time-num (* 2 current-time-denom))) :pos (make-xy (+ (truncate (the fixnum (* 2*current-time-num x)) (the fixnum (* 2 current-time-denom))) (x moving-object)) (+ (truncate (the fixnum (* 2*current-time-num y)) (the fixnum (* 2 current-time-denom))) (y moving-object))) :direction current-direction)) (progn (setf (x moving-object) (the fixnum (+ (x moving-object) x))) (setf (y moving-object) (the fixnum (+ (y moving-object) y))) ))))) (defun old-draw-rectangle (obj &key (r 0) (g 0) (b 0)) (sdl:draw-rectangle-* (+ *current-translation-x* (x obj)) (+ *current-translation-y* (y obj)) (width obj) (height obj) :color (sdl:color :r r :g g :b b)))