;;; Copyright 2009 Christoph Senjak (in-package :uxul-world) (defclass collision () ((pos :initarg :pos :accessor pos :type xy-struct :documentation "The position where the moving rectangle is at the point of collision") (direction :initarg :direction :accessor direction :documentation "On which side of the MOVING rectangle does the collision occur?") (collision-time :initarg :collision-time :accessor collision-time :type rational :documentation "The quotient of the length of the real movement and the length of the desired movement.") (desired-movement :initarg :desired-movement :accessor desired-movement :type xy-struct :documentation "The full movement that was given to move-about and could not be fulfilled."))) (defmethod has-horizontal-direction ((obj collision)) "test, whether this has horizontal direction" (or (eq (direction obj) :left) (eq (direction obj) :right))) (defmethod has-vertical-direction ((obj collision)) "test, whether this has vertical direction" (or (eq (direction obj) :up) (eq (direction obj) :down))) (defmethod colliding ((object null)) nil)